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the shakes

"my hands are shaking, my hands a shaking, but im still getting head shots". if youre a fan of the internet show pure pwnige you should know what that quote is from, one of the people from the show is all wired up and goes nuts when he plays games online, like hes all pumped up on energy drinks, but people have different reactions to them. Take me for example, when i first started to drink them i got stomic cramps, every time i had one and yet that did't stop me from having one, but now its like drinking water. Although i have seen people have chests pain, trouble staying still and even not being able to talk with out yelling, so now i wonder if im not affected but all the crap thats in side, and lets face it theres a lot, caffeine, turnine, Guarana, B vitamins, Ginseng and so on.


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