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Gamer over dose on ENERGY DRINK!!!

HourEnergy, AMPEnergy, AtomicDogg, Battery, Beaver
Buzz, Bawls, BlueCharge, BlueEnergy, BlueOx, BooKoo,
Caballo NegroCintron Energy, EnhancerCoca-Cola, Blāk
Cocaine, Crave Energy Drink, Crunk Energy Drink,
Diesel Energy Drink, Diet Pepsi Max, Emerge Stimulation Drink,
Enviga Euroshopper Energy Drink, EVO Smart Formula,
Flying Power, Full Throttle, Pure Energy, Go Fast,
HustlerGuru Energy Drink, Irn-Bru, Jolt Cola,
Jolt Endurance Shots just to name a few.

Lets face it, energy drinks are every were, and even if your not a gamer theres a good chance that you have had one, to help you im the morning with school or work, get that edge in sports or if youre like me just for the hell of it youre drink one or two just because. But overdoseing on an energy drink, is it even possible, you may have herd of the story of the kid who died playing world of warcraft for such a long period of time on redbull(to be fair redbull are really good).
So who do we blame hear for this, Blizzard entertainment, the energy drink company, or are we just dumb as people and push ourself untill we can take it anymore.


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